Your Rental Resume for Life
Your Rental Resume for Life is a secure platform that allows tenants to easily create and share their resume with landlords and agents, easily download your resume as a PDF.
Sign up and stand out from the crowd.

Tenantin Top Features
Tenantin Top Features
Discover Tenantin’s top features and the benefits you get when you sign up.

Stand Out to Agents & Landlords
Craft a comprehensive rental resume highlighting your rental track record, employment details and more.

Share Your Rental Resume
Share your rental resume as a PDF or secure shareable URL.

Go ‘On a Hunt’ for Properties
Let agents and landlords know you are actively looking for properties using our Tenantin matching system.
How it Works
How it Works
How do you start your journey in finding the best rental properties?
Create your Account
Begin creating your account by simply providing your email and name.
Add Information to Your Tenant Profile
Tell landlords and property owners who you are to increase your chances of securing a rental property.
Share your Profile to Property Owners
We have partnered up with to create a seamless and easy way for you to share your resume with the ad poster.
iProperty Radio’s 30-minute Broadcast on Tenantin with Anthony McCann and Carol Tallon
iProperty Radio’s 30-minute Broadcast on Tenantin with Anthony McCann and Carol Tallon
A voice on our management group helping agents and landlords to find the best tenant